Project Description

The importance of stillness through Breath and meditation for relaxing the body and the mind

Meditation is known to reduce your heart rate, calms the nervous system, decreases inflammation and supports the body in its innate ability to heal itself. By simply focusing on our breath we can avoid getting lost in thought, and by quietening our minds we can re-centre our attention.

On an energetic level, a morning meditation can set the pace for your day and when you are in the flow, you invite into your life synchronicity, opportunity and abundant potential.

In the same way, an evening meditation before bedtime can set the scene for a restful and healing nights sleep allowing for quietening of the mind and making space for inner guidance to creatively drop in.

The intentions that you set during your meditation are a force of quantum creativity, that over time will elevate your life to new potentials in magical and transformative ways.

Setting your intentions is powerful, you are speaking the language of the field – pure energy – this allows for the Universe to respond to your deepest heartfelt desires and to conspire to bring to you that which enables you to step up and into the most positive version of you.

By simply starting or finishing your your day with a magical 3 minute meditation you will be able to deepen your relationship with yourself and feel more at peace in your body and mind, whilst opening up more space for creativity to entire your life.

‘A simple 3 Minute Meditation before you start your day a is all you need to flourish in every area of your life’

The benefits of a 3 minute morning and evening meditation.

Three minutes equates to 180 seconds, or two sets of 90 seconds. In numerology this reduces down to a number 9 – 9 is the number of divine completion.
As explained by brain researcher Jill Bolte Taylor in her book – My Stroke of Insight. Jill suffered a massive stroke, and watched as her brain functions, motion, speech, self-awareness shut down one by one.
An astonishing story. Check out her TED Talk here: Jill Bolte Taylor Ted Talk
When a person has a reaction to something in their environment, there is a 90 second chemical process that happens in the body, after that, any remaining emotional response is just the person choosing to stay in that emotional loop.
If something shocking happens to us in our external world, chemicals are flushed through the body which puts it on full alert. For those chemicals to totally flush out of the body it takes less than 90 seconds.
This means that for 90 seconds we can watch the process happening, we can feel it happening, and then we can watch it go away.
After that, if we continue to feel fear, anger, and so on, we need to look at the thoughts that we are thinking that are re-stimulating (triggering) the circuitry that is resulting in us having this physiological response over and over again.