Project Description


Never let it be said that to dream is a waste of time, for dreams are our realities in waiting, in dreams we plant the seeds of our future.

I often think that seeds have perilous journeys with unknown destinations, but within each seed lay a blueprint, they contain all that is needed to survive and to thrive given the right conditions.

We seem to have lost this connection. . . perhaps it’s time to realign with our inner power and unlock this wisdom so that we can truly shine too. We have the knowledge within us all and if we are conscious about the conditions we live in – we too can thrive. 

My aim is to help unlock and awaken parts of you that have been blocked or shut away. To enable you to blossom into the beautiful soul that you are. To bring you back into alignment with your heart and soul, so that you are able to release any suffering and are able to make clear and better choices that will help you thrive and get back on track to be the best version of you.

I am committed to showing up for you. However I cannot do the work for you, so I encourage you to show up.  

It is never a ones size fits all kind of journey and the path is never a straight line. 

I love to share snippets of my journey and drop some useful tools along the way presenting them in helpful and inspiring ways to support you on your journey – for you to pick up and use should you choose.

So here’s to planting seeds. . . 

Can you feel it? 

I can sense something is building, an energy, a powerful force. Perhaps a shift is on its way to help break through the illusion and create a brighter future for mankind. Who is with me on this?

Do you ever get that feeling deep down inside that perhaps all this drama that is unfolding on Earth is complete madness and that things just aren’t quite right? Who out there remembers The Truman Show? Well perhaps its time to switch channels and chose another reality – what if that were possible?

If it is our thoughts, beliefs and our state of being that create our reality, then surely it would make sense then to inquire into where our very beliefs come from and how they shape the world we experience. Are they our beliefs? Are they learnt? Are they inherited or are they found within the very fabric of our DNA?

The saying “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off” couldn’t be more fitting!

Due to a passionate curiosity and an inquiring mind, I have spent decades reeducating myself and have learnt to step outside of my daily bubble and to look into what is really happening in this crazy cosmic world we call reality. With an open mind, discernment and a dash of skepticism I have been on a somewhat erratic and emotional journey at times, but thanks to a plethora of amazing souls I have been nudged, prodded and gently guided along the way, and I now have a clearer and deeper understanding, and I view the world through fresh and open eyes.

I don’t watch TV, games shows, drama series and the like. . . I don’t listen to the radio, read newspapers or magazines. I prefer to consciously choose the programmes which run through my mind and I do all in my power to remove myself from the bombardment of daily programming, drama and wot not! I love reading, researching and applying my knowledge in a creative way. I don’t believe in subscribing stubbornly to just one source. Truth must be extracted and assembled from various sources to build the simplest and most elegant theory explaining all that requires explaining, that continually proves itself in the face of new experiences and information. In doing so I have come to the stark conclusion that we have been lied to on such a magnitude and scale, it’s almost unfathomable. 

Hold this thought for just one minute that maybe, just maybe, things are not how they seem, an unsettling thought for some perhaps, or maybe you feel this way too – is it fear that prevents us from questioning and digging any deeper. Is it the fear of change that keeps us in this dream like trance. Is it the fear of disrupting the status quo or is it perhaps the fear of being out spoken, ridiculed, shamed, or of what you may find? Maybe its lack of motivation or you just don’t care! or of being put into the ”conspiratorial” box for not fitting in. The world is run by organisations, corporations, bureaucracies and the like which are all conspiratorial by nature, isn’t it ironic then, that the word ‘conspiracist’ is given to anyone who questions any official story, law or leader of such an organisation. When by nature, this is exactly what they themselves are. It’s all a game. . . albeit a very clever one!

I have been challenged on every level, emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually and everything in between. Pick a subject, be it Our History, Education System, Health, Law, Financial, Archeology, The Holocaust, Politics, Symbolism, Our Language, Geo Engineering, Esoteric, Religion, Ancient Civilisations, War, Global Warming, Mythology, Maritime Law, Satanic Practises, Mind Control, NASA, Terrorism, Non Terrestrials and even our True origins – Triggered? Yes I’ve been there and I’ve been digging, and if you dig deep enough you will often find that the ‘official narrative’ is riddled with half truths, disinformation or blatantly not true. Once opened, it is a Pandoras box and once you learn something, you can never unlearn it . . . so down the rabbit hole you go following the breadcrumbs and joining the dots!

We seem to have created a world that is upside down, cleverly orchestrated by various groups of psychopaths, void of empathy who are bidding for power and control over mankind, pulling the strings like evil puppeteers. If there was ever a saying that rang true it is “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”  George Orwell, 1984 and now recently Q Anon. Our history books and the school education system have a powerful influence over our beliefs and the way that we view the world. Our parents and the world they grew-up in gave them tools that helped to mould our world view too. The programming runs very very deep, just look at the seduction and hypnotic world of the Music Industry, Sports, Hollywood, Disney and Main Stream Media. We are constantly being bombarded with distractions and distortions which can manipulate our emotions from a state of joy to a state of fear in a heart beat. We are told what to think and what to feel on a daily basis and are being tortured in such an ingenious way, that we literally and ‘blindly’ give up our power our rights and our freedoms, and we do this with absolute compliance and so participate in, and perpetuate this madness that we call reality, and we do this unconsciously out of Fear, Separation and Lack, not out of conscious connectedness and Love.

It doesn’t have to be this way, we are not the helpless victims in this situation, we are the powerful creators . . . as mad as this may sound, it is the truth. Together we have created the mess we now find ourselves in and the beauty in this is that we as creators can create a new world. I now know with every fibre of my being that the world we experience is a distortion, it is not true to how things should be, we are sovereign beings of divine love and free will, and we are sabotaging ourselves. . . I see and feel this from deep with-in my heart . . .  I have never felt so alive and empowered as at this time, I know it, I feel it, there is a huge shift taking place, and I am riding this wave. 

I am choosing to recognise, learn and rise above this negative impact on humanity and it is my intention to help bring about a more harmonious future, be of service to humanity and to my brothers and sisters – however and what ever this looks like, to have the courage to be the best version of me, walk the talk and to be genuine and support my extended star family. There is always room for improvement and it’s a work in progress, but by voicing my truth it is powerful, its important, it resonates and it holds me accountable 🙂

I truly believe that the key to changing our reality, lay within each and everyone of us. . . science has proven this. We simply need to choose to grow-up and take responsibility for our own actions and beliefs and discover our highest truth. Stop pointing the finger and blaming people and situations that are outside of ourselves and we must stop searching for answers and solutions that are outside of ourselves because our outer world is simply an illusion, a reflection of our inner world, we must recognise this, learn and evolve. Teachers will come to guide and shepherd us, but we must be ready and willing to step up and do the real work ourselves and heal our conditioning. . . ignorance is not bliss, it is a choice!

We cannot change the system from within the existing one – we have to create something new, we cannot fix something from the same level of thinking we have to look at this drama from a higher perspective. Consciousness is the most powerful energetic force in our Universe, it contains the living codes that govern all things. Together we have the ability to change the future and I invite everyone to step into their power and to reclaim what is rightfully theirs. If we value our future, the future of our children, then we must enquire into the How, Why, What and Who is orchestrating and influencing our lives, our health and our beliefs – because if it isn’t you, then who have you given your power away to? And when all said and done, we will only have ourselves to blame 🙂

So for now I guess I will leave this here – if you have read this far, then Thank You.

If I can help to illuminate just one spark, then this post has been worth it.

Be conscious my friends, start creating a new future, that’s what we are here to do. . . from a place of love, not fear. 

From my heart to yours – I LOVE YOU!

Dreams take action. . . step into your light and shine